ANTON SHUFORD at the Comedy Show this evening, along with Free NOT keystone for those 21 and older!

Come Join PB to see ANTON SHUFORD, a nationally recognized comedian, perform a couple routines over in ONE WHEELOCK! TODAY. ONE WHEELOCK. 8 PM

"A comedian who showcases a very unique philosophy on stage that is both unapologetic and a defense lawyer's nightmare. He has been a finalist at many of the prestigious national comedy festivals and is recognized as one of the best rising acts in comedy."

He's funny, we're funny, you're funny.

Free Drinks for 21+ and none of that Keystone Funny Business

-PB Komedy Klub 
because the whole "K instead of C alliteration" motif totally isn't overused in the Greek Scene here at all.

Anton Shuford
Today Feb 21st
ONE Wheelock
Free Beer 21+