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"This Week" Highlights:

TUESDAY, Feb 21st
*Tucker Lunch with Local First Alliance, 12pm, Tucker Living Room
*Education Under Fire and Human Rights in Iran Discussion, 4:30pm, Rocky 002

FRIDAY, Feb 2nd
*Radar Sounding and Imaging of Glacial and Sea Ice: Status and Future, 3:30-5pm, Spanos Auditorium at Thayer

SATURDAY, Feb 25th
*Celebrate with Labor, Food, and Fun at the Farm (and music too)!, 3-8pm, Dartmouth Organic Farm 

Tuesday, Feb. 21st
Tucker Lunch with Local First Alliance
When: 12-1pm
Where: Tucker Foundation Living Room
What: Buying LOCAL? Investing LOCAL? Eating LOCAL? Learn about how these actions, and more, can re-vitalize communities and build self-reliant economies at Upper Valley Voices. Have lunch and conversation with members of the LOCAL FIRST ALLIANCE, a coalition of independent businesses, nonprofits, farms, community leaders and citizens committed to thinking local first. LFA encourages people and businesses to buy local, give local, and minimize what can't easily be localized, especially energy use and the generation of waste, in order to build stronger, more self-reliant community economies.

Film Screening of EDUCATION UNDER FIRE and Human Rights in Iran Discussion
When: 4:30 pm
Where: Rockefeller Hall 002
What: The 30-minute documentary Education Under Fire profiles the growth, struggle, and inspiring spirit of the Baha'i Institute for Higher Education. Baha'is in Iran spirit of the Baha'i Institute for Higher Education. Baha'is in Iran have been subjected to systematic persecution, including arrests, torture, and execution simply for refusing to recant their beliefs. They are also prohibited from going to college (and blocked from many professions)

“One of the most powerful human documentaries I have ever seen, Education Under Fire is sure to galvanize viewers who will be exposed to an outrage that until now has received little attention – the systematic denial of an entire religious community of the right to pursue higher education in their own country." -- Elise Auerbach, Iran Specialist for Amnesty International USA.

Join us for some delicious refreshments and an informative discussion of this timely issue. Co-sponsored by the Sierra Club and the Sociology Department at Dartmouth College.

Friday, Feb. 10th
Radar Sounding and Imaging of Glacial and Sea Ice: Status and Future
When: 3:30-5pm
Where: Spanos Auditorium, Rm 100, Thayer
What: Prasad Gogineni is the Deane E. Ackers Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kansas. He is also Director of CReSIS (Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets). Sponsored by the Jones Seminar Series and the IGERT Dialogues in Polar Science, Engineering, and Society Seminar Series. 

Saturday, Feb. 25th
Celebrate with Labor, Food, and Fun at the Farm (and music too)!
When: 3-8pm, Rides leaving at 3, 4:30, and 6 from behind Robo or just show up with your friends!
Where: At the FARM of course, three miles up route 10! 
What: A relaxing evening of enjoying people and the land. Join us as we prepare the solar greenhouse for the growing season at 3. Afterwards is a POTLUCK dinner (bring some food to share) and a concert by Reckless Breakfast. Come join us any time!


* Friend us on facebook! Just search Dartmouth Sustainability or go to http://www.facebook.com/dartmouthsustainability

* Have stuff you want to sell or buy? Check out dartlist.com- it's like craigslist but for the Dartmouth community only!

Go green!