
Kick start your Winter Carnival week-end the right way by chilling out in One Wheelock tonight for

Kwame's Open Mic

7pm to 8pm

Open Bar and Lots of Lou's Pies

Tonights event features a poetry open mic session hosted by Stone Fence Review for the first hour, and then the regular open mic for the rest of the time.

As always, show up ready to go and the mic is yours, or blitz in to Kwame if you would like to perform!

*****Bring some ID if you intend on visiting the Open Bar*****

Also in One Wheelock this week:

Collis Governing Board, with support from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. presents:


Friday 10th Feb from 9:30 - 12:30pm

Open Bar with Winter Carnival themed cocktails for 21+, and Dj Chop on the 1's and 2's!!
Get your dance on!!