"Photojournalism Behind the Scenes: Dramatization, Ethics and the
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"

CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) and
Dartmouth Students for Israel (DSI) host Ruben Salvadori, award-winning
photojournalist, for a special Valentines Day lecture and presentation on *Feb.
14, 2012 at 8:15 PM in Baker 158*. A pizza dinner will be served. All are

Event description:
The media industry strictly demands dramatic images, forcing
photojournalists to seek for drama in their subjects, even where the
situation lacks of it. The public, on the other hand, is daily overwhelmed
by images portraying certain sides of a conflict, but often fail to
consider a crucial element behind the scenes: the photographer.
This project aims to play with the creation and destruction of drama by
breaking the taboo of the invisible photographer. By including him in the
frame, it shows how the image-production process can generate similar
photographs that are often over dramatized. Moreover, the massive
attendance of the media turns the conflict into a show in which the
photographer has his own role in the dynamics and becomes an actor.
        This photo essay is a form of self-criticism by a photographer who
became disillusioned by photojournalism after seeing how the media market
of the photo agencies pushes many colleagues to opt for a hedonistic
approach which does not encourage them to consider how their presence
influences the events they witness and how their images are produced.