
... Sustainability Solutions Café ...

~ solution-oriented conversations with innovative
sustainability practitioners over snacks and refreshments ~

Friday, February 3:
"Taking Sustainability Literally"
3-4:30 pm
Fairchild Tower Lobby

Mark McElroy - author, Corporate Sustainability Management
Jed Davis '83, T'85 - Director of Sustainability, Cabot Creamery


And mark your calendars for the 3rd workshop in the Sustainability  
Workshop Series on Tuesday, February 7th!

"This Week" Highlights:

TUESDAY, Jan 31st
*Addressing Food Insecurity Lunch Discussion, 12pm, Tucker Foundation
*Dartmouth Organic Farm meeting, 1pm, Robo basement
*Environmental Conservation Organization, 6:30pm, Robo Basement
*Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering Meeting, 8pm, Cummings 200, Thayer  

*Dartmouth Animal Welfare Group Veg Discussion Dinner, 6:30pm,  
Haldeman 031

FRIDAY, Feb 2nd
*Sustainability Solutions Café: "Taking Sustainability Literally",  
3-4:30pm, Fairchild Tower Lobby

Tuesday, Jan. 31st
Addressing Food Insecurity Lunch Discussion
When: 12pm
Where: Tucker Foundation
What: Join us for UPPER VALLEY VOICES as we host HEATHER BAGLEY,  
Executive Director of WILLING HANDS--an organization that delivers  
fresh, wholesome food to local food shelves, free dinner programs and  
subsidized housing communities. Serving soup, salad, bread and GREAT  

Dartmouth Organic Farm meeting
When: 1pm
Where: Robo Basement
What: Scott Stokoe will talk about life off the grid and how his house  
works, with some bonus content from Emil's engineering courses and  
lectures on renewable energy and solar buildings, ending with how the  
Farm's solar greenhouse traps and stores sunlight as heat. This will  
be informal, bring your questions and interests!

Environmental Conservation Organization meeting
When: 6:30pm
Where: Robo Basement
What: Save the Earth in 30 minutes!

Thursday, Feb. 2nd
DAWG Veg Discussion Dinner
When: 6:30 pm
Where: Haldeman 031
What: Are you an omnivore? vegan? vegetarian? pescetarian? anything  
else in between? Come to Dartmouth Animal Welfare Group's Veg  
Discussion Dinner to have a lively conversation about what makes you  
decide to eat what you eat, and hear what others have say too! Free  
dinner will be served.

Friday, Feb. 3rd
Sustainability Solutions Cafe: "Taking Sustainability Literally"
When: 3-4:30pm
Where: Fairchild Tower Lobby
What: This inaugural Sustainability Solutions Café will explore the  
challenge of incorporating multiple dimensions of sustainability  
assessment into modern business practice without resorting to  
meaningless corporate "green-washing".

Come participate in café-style small group discussions, initiated and  
framed by Mark McElroy's concepts of vital capitals and context-based  
sustainability metrics.  Cabot Creamery Director of Sustainability,  
Jed Davis '83, T'85, will share how his company has used such metrics  
to "take sustainability literally" to the benefit of the their bottom  
line, employees, customers, and the environment. For more on this  
topic, see http://www.sustainableorganizations.org/ and a copy of  
Corporate Sustainability Management on reserve at Kresge Library.


* Friend us on facebook! Just search Dartmouth Sustainability or go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dartmouth-Sustainability/190425884324950

* Have stuff you want to sell or buy? Check out dartlist.com, like  
craigslist but for the Dartmouth community!

Go green!

-The Sustainability Office