Hello to you All!!
Just a friendly reminder that our next
Learning Strategies for Success in Science Classes is upon us!
TUESDAY NIGHT @ 6:00 pm in ROCKY 3, SAME room as last time!
The focus this week is to clarify concrete learning strategies and play with tools for HOW To IMPLEMENT them in your day to day life
In this session we’ll get down to brass tacks and Map Out Realistic Time for what’s important in your life including studying, and review effective ways to USE the study time you’ve set aside.
Bring your class syllabi along with you.  But come even if you don’t have them!
Use the handout from last week (also enclosed) to reflect. Again, please come either way. 
Our discussions will also include looking at strengths and challenges!
Hard to believe a week has almost passed since our first meeting last Tuesday evening.
Feel free to bring a friend!  It’s okay if someone missed the first session.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
All the best,