Finland has ranked within top 3 in the world for International Student Assessment in reading, math, and science literacy every year for the past decade. The U.S. has never breached top 15...

...Yet in Finland there are no high stakes tests and teachers are rarely evaluated...

...The puzzle: why Finland?


Find out at World Partners in Education's inaugural documentary film screening of: 


When: 1/21, THIS SATURDAY 5 pm

Where: Paganucci Lounge, in '53 Commons Lobby

Free catered dinner will be served!


About the film:

Documentary film maker, Bob Compton (of "2 Million Minutes" acclaim), along with Harvard researcher, Dr. Tony Wagner (author of the best-seller "The Global Achievement Gap") decided to find out. The result is "The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World's Most Surprising School System," an up-close and analytical film about building a world-class education which thoroughly prepares all students for careers and citizenship in the 21st century. In the 60 minute film, Tony Wagner gives us an inside look at the world's finest education system and reveals surprising factors accounting for Finland's #1 ranking.

About World Partners in Education (WPED):

A brand-new organization, WPED seeks to bring together students from diverse backgrounds to implement projects to raise awareness for education inequality and to improve educational practices and standards around the world. The organization facilitates a campus-wide discourse with open discussion, film screenings, and lectures. Through a unique affiliation with World Partners in Education, a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit, the organization prepares undergraduate volunteers and graduate fellows for work in our partner communities in Ghana, in addition to fundraising and collecting resources for our partner schools.