
The blitz you've all been waiting for: TNS classes are about to begin.

Join us tonight at 8:30 PM in Fuel for the first salsa class of the term. We don't care if you've never heard music before and don't know what dance is, or if they recognize your face in salsa clubs across the world and you're just looking for a refresher and an opportunity to meet some new people. (if the latter is the case, please consider taking us on as apprentices....)

The lesson will last for around an hour and will cover basic motions and rhythm of salsa , some merengue and depending on how things go, the salsa basic. This first session is compulsory for students taking the class for PE credit. If for some reason you really can't make it, blitz back and I'll make sure you get the important information about the class.

At 9:30 there will be free dancing. If you ask us nicely, we might teach you a new move or two in the corner, but the dance floor will be available to those who want to practice/enjoy the music/show off. Bring your own music if you want to!


TNS (Thursday Night Salsa) is a student run organization that teaches Salsa classes
for free every Thursday,every term, in Fuel. We also organize occasional dancing-trips away from Hanover.
Blitz us with any questions or if you want to get more involved and receive more salsa-related info.