Welcome back to campus!

Modern Abolition Initiative is ready to get started again! If you don't know who we are, we exist because slavery still does. Since the spring of 2011, we've been working to raise awareness at Dartmouth of the fact that human trafficking is still very much alive in many places around the world today, including the United States. In fact, there are over 27 million people in slavery of one sort or another still, to this day, whether that be forced labor as we historically know it, sex trafficking, child soldiers, or even child prostitution.

This term we're attempting to bring several speakers to campus to discuss their experiences fighting human trafficking around the world. We're also going to be showing a documentary about sex trafficking right here in America at some point this term.

So come on out to our first meeting to find out more about us and how you can get involved!

Monday, Jan. 9th
Fahey-McLane Ground Floor Lounge

~Modern Abolition Initiative