Hello everyone,

This is just a reminder that proposals for the 2012 Dartmouth New Music Festival, "Song and Sound," are due today.

We look forward to a great festival!

More information:

Song is one of the oldest musical forms, spanning varied musical traditions and cultures. The theme "Song and Sound" brings more traditional music into harmony with contemporary sound practices, investigating the modern song from popular genres to art music.  The festival committee believes that choosing this theme gives us a chance to present a wide variety of music currently flourishing on the Dartmouth campus.  We are looking for proposals of new works by students, faculty members, and the Dartmouth Community at large that will fit the concept of the theme, regardless of genre, style of writing, instrumentation, or technology.

The schedule is as follows:
January 6, 2012 Deadline for submission of proposals
January 15, 2012 Acceptance of Proposals
February 4, 2012 Workshop for your piece, provided by Callithumpian Consort (http://www.callithumpian.org/ ), our resident ensemble
March 15, 2012 Score due in PDF form
April 26- May 1, 2012 The Festival.  There will be three concerts over the course of 6 days--one in Spaulding, one in the Top of the Hop, and one at the Spheris Gallery in downtown Hanover.
The Callithumpian Consort (http://www.callithumpian.org/ )from Boston will be the resident ensemble to workshop and perform accepted works that are written for the 5-player quintet or any combination of the following instrumentation: flute, clarinet, violin, cello, and piano.  You may also substitute piccolo for flute, bass clarinet for clarinet, and viola for violin.

All undergrad students should send their proposals to me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.  For others:
David Kant [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> for graduate submission
Kui Dong [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> for faculty submission
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have.  I am excited to see the music that lies in store for this year's Festival!

Nic Chuaqui '12

(on behalf of the Festival committee)

Kui Dong, Composer, Professor of Music, Festival Director
David Kant, MA Candidate in Digital Musics '12, Associate Director
Nic Chuaqui ’12, Festival Coordinator, Associate Director