There is an awesome seminar happening at Thayer this afternoon that relates to sustainability and the future of the Upper Valley Region. 

Upper Valley 20/20 -- Why a Vision and Why Now? Or Using Systems Thinking to Engineer a New Economic Model
Speaker: William Bittinger, President of the Donella Meadows Institute
Friday, January 6, 2012, 3:30pm
Spanos Auditorium

This past year the Connecticut River Valley region commemorated the 250th year of this modern era. These past twenty years have seen major regional growth without the benefit of coordinated planning with our quality of life coming under pressure. And these past three years have exposed the full costs of the neoclassical economic model: creative destruction and financial and market crashes. The convergence of these two phenomena -- one local and one global -- has lead to a realization that a new economic model which incorporates long term planning and policy making is needed. 

Definitely worth checking out!! Dana Meadows was a Professor at Dartmouth College and one of the foremost thinkers in Sustainability!
More information:

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