Yay it's time to get ready for 16s!!

Attached are applications for Trips directorate 2012.  Directorate works to plan
Trips and helps to set the tone for all of Trips.  It's a great way to help with
Trips, contribute new ideas and have lots of fun!

Directorate consists of the following
-Croo chiefs (2 for H, Lodj and Vox, 1 for Klymbing and Grant)
-A Safety Master
-3 TLTs
-An Inclusivity and Outreach Intern 
-A Sustainability Intern (new this year, preferably a '14, doesn't require
previous involvement in Trips!!!)

Applications are due January 5th at 5:17 pm.  They can be turned in by blitz, or
hard copy to the Trips Office (Robo 103)

Feel free to blitz me with any question!

Emily Mason-Osann (Emo)
Trips Director 2012