******   GOT DBA?  ******

             Donate your extra DBA before it's too late!
                              December 1-5th

How to donate:
Buy food items at any of the dining locations and drop them off in collection  

Collection boxes at The Hop (to the right of the utensils, across from the box office)

**All proceeds will go to Willings Hands and The Haven to fight hunger in the  
Upper Valley**

Suggestions for donation:
Willing Hands accepts all fresh produce (fruit, carrots, orange juice, loaves of bread, etc) and pick-ups will be done every evening so dairy and perishables (yogurt, milk, hummus, Odwallas) are okay to donate in the early afternoon.
The Haven accepts all prepackaged foods (cereal, granola, oatmeal, Odwalla/energy bars).

Blitz Kate Burns with any questions or interest in the project.