We'll have buyers in Novack from now until midnight tonight ready to give you cash for your books!

Not just some of your books, but all of them. Every single one.

If you haven't heard from us before, we are a student-run textbook buyback company. We send buyers around campus to buy books from students where they live. We buy with cash so you don't have to worry about store credit. Sometimes it's more convenient for students to meet in the library, so we'll be set up there during finals.

Here's a schedule for our buyers tonight:
5-7: Pat Lahey
7-9: Will Guinee
9-12: Anna Fetter

If you can't sell your books tonight, then go to BelltowerBooks.com and set up an appointment. One of our buyers will come to your room and give you cash!

Good luck with finals!
- Pat, Will, Anna, Marina, Drew and Bruno