Interested in Japan? Nuclear Energy? If so, please come to a movie screening tomorrow at the Howe Library!

Movie - November 30 - time:  6:30 pm
Howe Library, 13 South Main Street

Movie Screening: “Ashes to Honey: Toward a Sustainable Future” (2010):

This film, directed by Hitomi Kamanaka, chronicles the lives of people in Iwaishima, a small island community in southern Japan. For thirty years this fishing hamlet has been protesting the government’s plan to build nuclear reactors across the bay. Can a small community fight the political and economic might of the nuclear power industry? The film also takes us to Sweden, to show how the collective determination of citizens can lead to a way out of reliance on fossil and nuclear fuel. Real people, real lives, exquisite cinematography. Enjoy Ms. Kamanaka's acclaimed film. (2hrs. 15min)

Sponsors: Upper Valley Sierra Club | The Safe and Green Campaign | The Citizens Awareness Network.| The Savoy Theater |Chelsea Green Publishing,  The Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence, Dartmouth Japan Society