Please come be a part of the Upper Valley Special Olympics Winter Games! On
21, 2012, we'll celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Games!

Dartmouth students have a long-standing tradition of commitment to the Winter  
Games; hosted at the skiway, they are always an incredible event!

Tonight at 5:30pm will be the first of two informational meetings where  
we'll hold volunteer signups.

Come sign up as an individual, or as a sports team, a greek life organization,  
an extracurricular club, etc.

Whether you're an individual or a representative from an organization, you MUST  
attend either this info session or the next one which will be in early January  
(start of winter term) to be eligible to volunteer at the games.

When: Tonight, November 30th at 5:30pm
Where: Carson L02 (basement of library)

Hope to see you there!

-Winter Games Management Team