On Saturday November 5th, these words
were written on the windows of the ground floor
Fahey-McLane Common Room:


"suck dick"

"yes means anal"

"penis? yes please"


They were written there under the cloak of anonymity
to viciously target individuals in our community
simply because of who they are.

This act discriminates against LGBTQ people and women on our campus.
This act is antithetical to the standards of our community. This act embodies hatred.

We invite you to take a stance against this intolerance
and demonstrate that we as a community
will not condone degradation of any of our members,
that we welcome everybody with open arms and open minds.

Please join us:


   In wearing white on this day to protest against this divisive act,
   and later in Collis Commonground for a candle-lit vigil on the Green.
  We hope to see you there so that we may come together as a community in solidarity.

Lest we forget: "an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

Co-Sponsored by Palaeopitus, Gender Sexuality XYZ, Inter-Community Council,
The Center for Women and Gender, Student Assembly, and OUTreach Peer Mentors.