.......Like ACTING?
    ...........Like Shakespeare?
Then you should audition for the Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals!

TUESDAY, Nov. 15
Location TBD
No experience necessary!

Blitz "[log in to unmask]" for a 10-minute audition slot or with any questions!

Who we are:
--Dartmouth's only student-run Shakespeare company!
--We perform one of Shakespeare's shows each term!
--We are an acting company, so by auditioning, you'd be auditioning to join the company, and not just for one show!
--We are exceptionally good looking. Like, frighteningly so.

How this works:
--Blitz back to the Rude Mechanicals account to ask for a ten-minute slot between 5 and 8 pm on Tuesday night. (If you can't do those times, let us know and we'll work something out!)
--Memorize twenty to twenty-five lines of any Shakespearean monologue.
--We'll also ask you to read through a monologue you haven't seen before.
--Bring money. Bribes will take you everywhere, kids.
--Appeal to our innate narcissism. We are actors, after all.