Come to 53 Commons on Tuesday, November 15th for a dinner specially prepared by visiting chef Barton Seaver and DDS chefs!!

At Ma Thayer's
Lunch: Pulled pork (local meat); Squid & Poblanos (Barton Seaver recipe)
Dinner: Roasted tilapia, Clove braised fennel, Pecan quinoa (Barton Seaver recipes)
At Herbivore
Dinner: Maple roasted Pot, Cauliflower Puree, Cider Glazed Parsnips (Barton Seaver recipes)
At World View
Lunch and Dinner: Barramundi Salad (Barton Seaver recipe)

Grab your meal and join Barton Seaver himself upstairs in '53 for a dinner discussion about sustainability, food, and food justice!!
6:30 PM, Tuesday November 15th
Upstairs, 53 Commons

DDS has invited chef, author, and National Geographic Fellow, Barton Seaver, to Dartmouth to work with their managers, chefs and staff on how to utilize and prepare sustainable seafood on a college campus. Mr. Seaver will be on campus the entire week and will be lecturing on "Sustainability and Seafood" at 4:30 pm on Wednesday in Kemeny 008 (Sponsored by the Environmental Studies Department; see description below)