Tomorrow evening chef Barton Seaver will be cooking with DDS chefs to prepare a sustainable seafood dinner in 53 commons.
Here's a preview of the MENU:
At Ma Thayer's
Lunch: Pulled pork (local meat); Squid & Poblanos (Barton Seaver recipe)
Dinner: Roasted tilapia, Clove braised fennel, Pecan quinoa (Barton Seaver recipes)
At Herbivore
Dinner: Maple roasted Pot, Cauliflower Puree, Cider Glazed Parsnips (Barton Seaver recipes)
At World View
Lunch and Dinner: Barramundi Salad (Barton Seaver recipe)

Swipe your card, grab dinner (whether you choose seafood or not) and bring it upstairs in 53 commons where Barton Seaver himself will be discussing food, food justice, and sustainability!!
Below you'll find the other great stuff happening This Week in Sustainability at Dartmouth!!

Questions? Drop in and say hi during the Office of Sustainability's office hours!

Rosi Kerr, Director of Sustainability at Dartmouth: 12-2:30pm Tuesdays in Robo 108
Kelly McGlinchey, Sustainable Dartmouth Intern: 10-11:30am Thursday in Robo 108

Here's what's happening This Week in Sustainability at Dartmouth!!
"This Week" Highlights:
MONDAY, Nov 14th
*"The Arctic: Ground Zero in a Warming Climate," 4:30-6pm, 041 Haldeman
*Dartmouth Council on Climate Change, 7pm, 124 Haldeman

TUESDAY, Nov 15th
*Dartmouth Organic Farm meeting, 12:30-1:30pm, Robo basement
*Sustainable Dinner with Chef Barton Seaver, 6:30pm, upstairs in 53 commons
*Environmental Conservation Organization, 7:30pm, Robo Basement
*Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering Meeting, 8pm, Cummings 200, Thayer School

*Vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner, details TBA

THURSDAY, Nov 17th
*Dartmouth Science Cafe: "Stormy Weather: Is Climate Change Here?", 5:30-7:30pm, Salt Hill Pub in Lebanon NH

FRIDAY, Nov 18th
*Termly Farm Event, 3-8pm, Dartmouth Organic Farm
*"Taking Stock: What have four decades of environmental regulation produced and where do we go from here?" with Dr. Patrick Parenteau, 3:30pm, Rm 100 Cummings Hall

SATURDAY, Nov 19th
*Faculty Chalk Talk: Why Worry about Carbon Emissions? 10am, Dartmouth Hall 105

Monday, Nov 14th
"The Arctic: Ground Zero in a Warming Climate" 
When: 4:30-6pm
Where: 041 Haldeman
What: Lecture by Jackie Richter-Menge, Research Engineer, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
Jackie Richter-Menge is a research engineer with the US Army Corps of Engineers
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), in Hanover, NH.  Her
research focuses on developing a more comprehensive understanding of the Arctic
sea ice cover, addressing both dynamic and thermodynamics processes.
Sponsored by the IGERT Dialogues in Polar Science and Society Seminar Series
and the Dickey Center Institute of Arctic Studies. For more info, email
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Dartmouth Council on Climate Change
When: 7pm
Where: Haldeman 124
What: Check us out at our regularly scheduled meeting time tonight!!

Tuesday, Nov 15th
Dartmouth Organic Farm Meeting
When: 12:30-1:30pm
Where: Robo basement
What: Bring your lunch and come hear about the farm, what's going on this week and what we're up to this fall and how you can get involved in all that (it's easy)!

Sustainable Dinner with Chef Barton Seaver
When: 6:30 pm
Where: 53 Commons, upstairs
What: DDS has invited chef, author, and National Geographic Fellow, Barton Seaver, to Dartmouth to work with their managers, chefs and staff on how to utilize and prepare sustainable seafood on a college campus. Grab your meal and join Barton Seaver himself upstairs in '53 for a dinner discussion about sustainability, food, and food justice!! See menu above.

Environmental Conservation Organization
When: 7:30pm
Where: Robo basement
What: Come check out our weekly ECO meeting!! We will be hearing about the progress on our trash bag pilot program, brainstorming some lyrics to ECO Croo performances, and discussing details of the sustainability planning process at Dartmouth. Bring friends, bring dinner, bring ideas, and help us brainstorm ways to make the Big Green even greener!

Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering Meeting
When: 8pm
Where: Cummings 200, Thayer School
What: DHE is an award-winning, impact-driven organization comprised of students from every year and most majors. Come learn about our projects, including hydropower, fuel-efficient cookstoves, biogas, and water quality monitoring in Rwanda, Tanzania, and West Virginia and how you can get involved doing hands-on work and helping to grow our impact! 
DHE is NOT just for engineers. We need passionate students from every field!
Feel free to blitz us any questions!

Wednesday, Nov 16th
Vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner
When: TBA
Where: TBA
What: Delicious vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner cooked by Ecovores, Dartmouth Animal Welfare Group and the Sustainable Living Center. Stay tuned for more details!

Thursday, Nov 17th
Dartmouth's Science Cafe: "Stormy Weather: Is Climate Change Here?"
When: 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Salt Hill Pub in Lebanon NH
Dartmouth’s Science Cafés, providing a chance to learn about a serious issue relevant in today’s world, premiere on Thursday, November 17, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Join friends and neighbors to consider “Stormy Weather: Is Climate Change Here?” in the company of experts on the topic. The first Science Café discussion takes place at Salt Hill Pub in Lebanon, N.H. Science Cafés are free and open to all.

Friday, Nov 18th
"Taking Stock: What have four decades of environmental regulation produced and where do we go from here?" with Dr. Patrick Parenteau
When: 3:30pm
Where: Spanos Auditorium, 100 Cummings Hall
What: Jones seminar with Dr. Patrick Parenteau, Professor of VT Law School. Experts at the event will include climatologist Erich Osterberg, research assistant professor of earth sciences, and river expert Frank Magilligan, professor of geography, both from Dartmouth, and Lori Hirshfield, planning and development director for Hartford, Vt.

For decades, scientists have been predicting that climate change would usher in an era of more intense and frequent storms and droughts. Was tropical storm Irene part of the big picture or just a particularly bad rainstorm? How are land use and settlement patterns in a community affected by flood events?  What do climate models predict for the next 25, 50, or 100 years? How well can we really predict future weather patterns from these models? These questions and more are on the agenda for the first gathering of the Science Café series.

Termly Farm Event
Come check out the fall festivities at the Dartmouth Organic Farm's termly fall event! 
Featuring live music by the Wall-Stiles at 5:30 and a potluck dinner at 6 (bring a dish to share!)
Kick off the festivities from 3 to 5:30 with a delicious applefest, an intro to aquaculture, and a guided nature walk with Scott Stokoe
Rides behind Robo every hour!
Blitz "thefarm" for more info

Saturday, Nov. 19th
Faculty Chalk Talk: Why Worry about Carbon Emissions? 
When: 10-11am
Where: Dartmouth Hall 105
What: Environmental Studies professor Andrew J. Friedland examines the role the U.S. can play in mitigating climate change. 


* Friend us on facebook! Just search Dartmouth Sustainability or go to

* Have stuff you want to sell or buy? Check out, like craigslist but for the Dartmouth community!

 Go green!

-The Sustainability Office