Announcing: Mike Gordon - Lebanon - 13 November - that's NEXT SUNDAY!

It's a rare opportunity to see one of the greatest bassists in the world with his critically-acclaimed solo project.

And we here at TDI are lucky enough to find ourselves in possession of a limited amount of tickets.

Want them? Simple. We want you to have it. Just turn a Mike Gordon song or album name into an acronym expressing your undying devotion (to either him or the tickets), submit in the comments section in the Ticket Giveaway panel on our website (that's<>) and we'll randomly select winners next Friday.

BONUS: If your entry is not entirely embarrassing, we'll send it to his management who are so generously offering the tickets, so main takeaway - he might be reading these entries. No pressure.

But why take the chance? Tickets are also on sale now! And yes, tickets are pretty cheap. You can purchase them directly here:

Or by clicking the Mike Gordon banner on the TDI website!

Now, soak up the vital information, and act accordingly,

The TDI Team