October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, so come help increase awareness by watching Twilight! And play Bingo! And win prizes!
TWILIGHT and "Bad Relationship Bingo"
Wednesday, October 26, 5:30PM
Collis Commonground

Dinner will be served! Om nom nom.
The movie screening will be accompanied by "Bad Relationship Bingo" ­ watch Bella and Edward's relationship "blossom" through a different lens! The more warning signs you identify in the movie that are characteristics of an abusive relationship (your partner discourages your relationships with friends and family? wants you to change your lifestyle drastically?), the closer you get to BINGO and winning awesome PRIZES, such as:

~*Gift certificates to Dirt Cowboy!*~

~*Twilight DVD!*~

~*Discounts for meals at Molly's*~

***AND MORE!***

**Co-hosted by FemNEW, SAPA, and the Center for Women & Gender**