Hey Best Dartmouth Classes Ever,

We thank you for coming out to our Cider and Donuts Event last night,
                                    and now we're back at it again....

HOMECOMING RECOVERY... tomorrow Sunday Oct. 23rd, featuring 3 massage therapists here to help YOU get relaxed and cool down from a long and FUN homecoming.

So here's how it works... at 7pm, we will send another email, asking people to send us their names and the times they are available. The therapists will be here from 3-6pm, so please be flexible with your time, as we do want to accommodate for as many students as possible. There is First come, First serve, and there are LIMITED slots... so we will not be able to select everyone.

Each massage will be 10 minutes, and there will be a DELICIOUS SMOOTHIE BAR (yummm)

So be on the lookout for the 7pm blitz...


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*"With Great Power comes Great Responsibility"*