In a clever effort to ensure that the Dog Day Players live on after the '12s '13s and '14s eventually graduate, we have cleverly decided to admit new members to our members taken - in the most clever of fashions - from the class of 2015. Pretty clever, we know. You see, by taking freshman this year, we have effectively (and, as some have said, cleverly) guaranteed a hearty stock of Dog Day Players to carry on the legacy of the group for the next four years.

Come watch as these new members - the Dog Day "Puppies" (clever, right?) - take the stage for the first and hopefully not the last time!


These aforementioned "Puppies" are:

Alec "Hot Diggity Dog" Ring!
Molly "Chowdahead" Chodakewitz?
Mike "[Nickname Pending]" Haughey.

Fahey McLane First Floor Lounge

see above for details!