Do you want to start or run your own business someday?

The best way to learn how to do it is to work alongside an entrepreneur who is doing just that.

Come learn about Venture for America, the new two-year fellowship program in which top recent college graduates will work at start ups in low-cost cities supporting an entrepreneur in growing his or her business. Fellows attend a 5-week boot camp at Brown University in Summer, 2012 with experienced entrepreneurs and investors before beginning assignment. The top performing Fellow receives $100k in seed investment to start his or her own enterprise.

Attend the Venture for America Information Session and Meet and Greet with its founder, Andrew Yang.

WHAT: Venture for America Info Session and Meet and Greet with founder Andrew Yang
WHEN: TONIGHT at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Carson L02
WHY: To learn how businesses work from the ground up - and get paid for doing it


Hosted by the Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Society.