Are you...
**Interested in nutrition, education, local food or community service?
**Looking for a way to spend time with elementary school kids?
**Excited by the idea of working with local farms?

Come to an informational meeting TONIGHT about the Tucker Foundation's newest volunteer
opportunity, GROWING CHANGE!!


Growing Change is a local service volunteer program for Dartmouth students. The
program has two components:

*** FARM TO SCHOOL: Work with a group of passionate Dartmouth volunteers every
week to design and teach a farm to school curriculum at Dothan Brook School

*** THE GLEAN TEAM: Join a team of Dartmouth students who will be harvesting leftover
crops from local farms and donating the collected food to local food shelters

Want to learn more? Interested in applying? Come to our first informational meeting:

TONIGHT, October 12th
5 pm
Tucker Living Room

We will be explaining the specifics of the program and how to get involved.

Questions? Can't make the meeting? Blitz "Growing Change" for more information.

See you there!!