
Come celebrate hot, CONSENSUAL sex IN ONE HOUR at

Wednesday, August 10th
4-6pm Collis Commonground


Consent Day celebrates consensual sex while educating the campus on issues of  

sexual assault. We aim to spread awareness and HAVE FUN!

We'll have an entire fair set up with tons of games, prizes, entertainment, music,  

and food! And not to mention, your free "CONSENSUAL SEX IS HOT" shirt!

Sponsored By: SAPA, Sexperts, DAPA, Panhellenic Council, IFC, KKG, Trikap, Alpha  

Phi, Tridelt,, MAVs, Psi U, KD, KDE, Sig Nu, Sig Ep, SAE, AXA, EKT, Sigma Delt,  

Phi Delt, Zete, Department of Safety and Security, GSX, Active Minds, SA and Judicial  


AAAAAND keep the party going at KDE at 11pm for their Consent Day Show, co-sponsored  

by Sigma Delt! Performances by Camp Vandana, Summerphonics and Splendaplum!