How true are the following assumptions?:
--Having sexual experiences is a way to assert one's masculinity in college 	

--College men feel a greater sense of pressure to initiate relationships

--The initiator of any relationship is put in a vulnerable position, this can  
create anxiety

Join Los Impriscindibles Hermanos (Brothers) of LUL  on Thursday, May 26th for  
a discussion on masculinity as it pertains to relationships.

****The conversation will be lead by guest speaker Josiah Proietti, MALS '11****  

Who: LUL + You (men and women welcome to attend)
What: A discussion on men and relationships
Where: Carson L01
When: Thursday, May 26th at 8PM

The thesis question that emerges from these assumptions is "How does Gender Conformity  
influence the experience of anxiety when initiating sexual relationships?" Does  
having a strong sense of gender identity produce confidence in initiating relationships?  

See you there!
Los Imprescindibles Hermanos de
La Unidad Latina,
Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Est. 1982 
Psi Chapter - Dartmouth College Est. 1997