*Focus on Gender & Development*

w/ Jenny Vaughan, MercyCorps Program Officer
TUESDAY, May 17th
12:00-1:00 pm , Haldeman 041
(lunch provided)

Are you curious about career opportunities with a focus on international women's
Jenny Vaughan is a program officer in MercyCorps' Conflict Management Group,
While working in with MercyCorps, Jenny has lived in Israel, Central African
Republic, and wad the first responder after the Haiti earthquake. She has first
hand experience understanding the role of women in peace building processes in
conflict and post-conflict areas and as well as a rich personal experience as a
women working in the field.

Join Jenny to hear about her experiences working in the field of women's issues,
development, and peace building, and get advice on how to get involved in these
fields as a student and recent graduate!