Next Monday (May 2, 2011) is Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'
Remembrance Day). Every year, name reading memorials are held around the world.
Dartmouth Hillel participates in this solemn event also. Similar to the past
two years, we will be reading the names of victims from Collis porch starting
at 2 pm.

Over the last two years, Andrey Dolinko i11 has compiled a poster/collage with
the names and photos of Holocaust victims who were family members of current
Dartmouth students. This year, he is reaching out to the new members of our
Dartmouth community (and students who did not have a chance last year) to add
names from their families to the collage.

If you are interested, please blitz Andrey Dolinko directly.
