**Got artistic talent? Got none but feel like trying?

**Think you have what it takes to immortalize yourself in Trips History via
t-shirt design?

**Always wanted to be on Project Runway but you can't actually sew?

Then send us what YOU think would make for the prettiest, most nicest, most
stellar t-shirt for DOC Trips 2011!

Imagine 1,400 people walking around campus wearing your beautiful work of art.
Yeah, that's a rush.

Send in your submissions by

Can't wait to see what you cook up!

-2011 Trips Directorate

The fine print:
* Design must fit on 8.5" x 11" paper
   (1 sheet for front; 1 sheet for back)
* Try to stick with one color, maximum is three colors
* Designs should follow the theme of DOC Trips and/or the amazing '15s!
* Blitz designs to "DOCTrips" or drop them of in robinson hall
* DEADLINE: May 13, 2011