Interested in working reunions this upcoming spring?

Apply to be a Reunion Worker with the Alumni Events Department!

How: See the attached application or blitz ARIntern for an application

Why: Networking opportunities with Dartmouth's amazing Alumni and loads of cash

When: Reunions this year will take place from June 9th- June 20th

Who: Classes coming this year include: '51, '56, '61, '76, '81, '86, '00, '01' 02, & '06

What: See attached application or JobNET for positions available and specific job descriptions

Applications DUE BY FRIDAY, MARCH 4th at MIDNIGHT.

Blitz ARIntern if you have any questions.

***Note: The Alumni Events Department operates separately from C&R aka Commencement & Reunion Housing (contact ORL if interested in a C&R position)