IvyQ 2011 is coming quickly! Register now at tinyurl.com/registerivyq2011!

What is IvyQ you ask? IvyQ 2011 is the second annual Ivy League conference for  
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer students, and their allies. The conference  
will be hosted at Columbia University, February 17-20, 2011. IvyQ builds a vision  
of equality, where strong LGBTQA students can grow the confidence and skills to  
lead by example and thrive beyond stereotypes. The goals of the conference are  
threefold: networking to create a strong and social pan-Ivy LGBTQA community;  
educating students about the history and different voices of the movement; and  
empowering tomorrow's world leaders to be proud LGBTQA leaders. There will be  
workshops, famous speakers and parties all weekend! If you have any questions,  
please visit ivyq.org.

Here's the IvyQ facebook group if you'd like to network or get more information:


Dartmouth will be providing transportation to this conference, and Columbia students  
will be hosting.