Signups for Humans Versus Zombies has begun!

To become an official player, please head on over to At the very tippity top of the page, click "Register." Fill out the information, and voilą! You are signed up! Make sure to use your Dartmouth email and your real first  and last names in the sign-up process.

Sign-up will last until January 10th. If you decide to play Humans Versus Zombies, you MUST attend one of our safety meetings on January 8 or 9. On each of those days, we'll be having two safety meetings, at  4:30pm and 9:00pm, in Carson L01. If you already know that this will be a serious problem for you, CONTACT US! We'll see what we can do to help.

Also, remember to get your Nerf Guns ready! If you don't already have one, you should be able to get them at the West Leb Walmart.

--The Mod Team!