Celebrate Dartmouth Women!

Link Up's 'Proud to be a Woman' dinner for fall term is coming up!
When: November 17th, 7 pm
Where: Alumni Hall
What: Dinner catered by the Hanover Inn* (Seriously, if you've had  
their cheesecake you know this is big)

The Proud to be a Woman dinner invites '14 women, upperclass women,  
and Dartmouth faculty & staff to come together to unite the community  
of women on campus. Come hear Dean Spears speak about her experiences,  
have, good (and fun!) discussions, and dinner by the Hanover Inn.
This is a celebration, so dress to impress!

Tickets are $5 (DASH or cash) - Blitz 'Link Up' with your DASH #, how  
many tickets you would like, and year. LESS THAN 40 TICKETS LEFT SO  

***Sponsored by SPCSA, KDE, KD, A Phi, and Sigma Delt***