%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%%$  FALLING WHISTLES - a story of a lifetime  %$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$

Falling Whistles is a small window into our world's largest war.
Over a year ago, laying in Titu Prison, 5 boy-prisoners spoke of the whistleblowers.
Abducted in Congo and too small to carry a gun, boys were given merely a whistle  
and sent to the front lines of battle.
The sound of their whistles calling together was meant to frighten the enemy away.  
Failing that, their sole duty was to receive the bullets with their bodies.
With falling whistles, their only choice was to feign death, or face it.
The world is changed by those who speak up. Whistleblowers. Rarely understood  
in their time, history looks back and calls them courageous.
Around the world, the sound of the whistle means stop. Pay attention. Speak up  
and say the same.
Make their weapon your voice and be a whistleblower for peace.

*JOIN US to hear the stories of those who aren't alive or able to speak for themselves.
*JOIN US to hear the founder of Falling Whistles discuss the genocide plaguing  
the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
*JOIN US to hear the story of a Congolese victim.
*JOIN US to see what you can do to help.
*JOIN US to make a difference.

watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL21wFj-grU  for more information


Come watch performances including acapella group The Subtleties, and For Your  
Glory praise dance group!!!!!
Collis Commonground, 6-8pm

****brought to you by STAND, an organization fighting against genocide worldwide****