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February 2011


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Brian Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
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Tue, 15 Feb 2011 10:59:44 +1100
text/plain (29 lines)
I have just looked at the Nisus Forum.


And, a version of Nisus for the Apple App Store is being worked upon.

I rarely argue with Erik but not using the App Store for initial sales and new users would be foolish from a corporate point of view.

In fact, Nisus would be irresponsible not to adopt this approach for getting a product into a selling area which will be read by many, many current non-users of NWP.

Regards from brianF

On 14/02/2011, at 10:48 PM, Erik Richard Sørensen wrote:

> Hello Geoff

>> And what on earth do people think is actually happening at Nisus? My take on the software market (in fact, just about any market these days) is that you need to keep pushing your product(s) forward with face lifts, incremental upgrades, etc.
>> it's all very well to have a bunch of supportive customers, but they're not much use to you if they aren't buying anything because you're not giving them anything to buy!  :D
> Well, I think smaller changes and add-ons will occour - such as being able to increase font sizes larger than 128p using the arrows and not having to type in the wanted size. This feature is especially needed when you're using deco fonts.
> What Brian proposes such as an AppStore I donot think that this will be a good idea. This will cause that you will not be able to use the program on any other computer or system that it is downloaded to. We can already see this now that Textwrangler has been released in a AppStore version. This version is only usable on OS X 10.6 and therefore also only on Intel Machines. - And why on earth should Apple be the decider to what _they_ think will be good or not for use on an Apple computer? - OK, they of course at the same time guarantee that the app will be working. But many of us are still using non-Intel Macs - and why on earth aren't we also allowed to use these cheaper apps?
> And I sure donot hope that Nisus are so stupid to go into that kind of business! - /IF/ they should do anything they should instead 'reduce' the NWE to a minimum and release this app - maybe called NisusMini for the iPhone/iPad AppStore. This will sure give quite a lot better usability making text documents - especially on the iPad instead of that pice of crap that now is available on that one. - And of course such a 'NisusMini' version MUST have all the main features and also include the possibility of being able to use full scripting - else it would be worthless...