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DOC President <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
DocBenton <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 May 2010 16:13:11 -0400
text/plain (1145 bytes) , SchlitzFundApplication.pdf (70 kB)
Want money to get outside?

Apply for the Schlitz Adventure Fund!

Heres how it works:
       1. You come up with a great idea for a trip
       2. Write up a proposal, send it to us, and present it to the Schlitz meeting  
on May 17th, at 6:30 pm*.
       3. We give you money.**
       4.  Go on your Adventure.
       5. Come back, give back to the club in some way.

Easy, right? Cool. Apply for Schlitz.

Now the details:

Shlitz money must be used to pay for a primarily human-powered adventure. It cannot  
be used to cover the cost of a guide unless its absolutely required to get into  
the area.
* the schlitz meeting is Monday, May 17 and 6:30 pm in Robo 14/15. Please blitz  
your application to DOC President by midnight on Friday, May 14 so we can make  
sure its all set before the meeting. If you need more time, blitz DOC President  
and we'll talk, but the date of the meeting can't change.
** we dont have an infinite budget, so funding is subject to approval by the schlitz  
committee based on the uniqueness of your trip, and how you will contribute to  
the club by going on it.

details on the application/proposal are attached. questions? hit reply.