LLTI Archives

May 2000, Week 5


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LLTI-Editor <[log in to unmask]>
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Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 May 2000 08:47:21 EDT
text/plain (64 lines)
In the future, please move all surveys to a web page and just announce them here. ---Otmar

DO NOT "replay to the list!. PLEASE

Forwarded Message from Kathryn Murphy-Judy <[log in to unmask]> 

Would you please take a few short minutes to respond to the following 

>1.  Approximately how many sections of basic language courses do you 
>offer per term?
>2.  Is each section a separate entity or are there segments that 
>operate like a lab or lecture section, regrouping students outside 
>their specific section?
>each separate          yes     no
>varied lab sections    yes     no
>group lectures         yes     no
>3.  Do any of the instructors team teach?
>4.  Other than a common textbook, exams and software,  are teaching 
>resources or lesson materials shared among levels (eg. 
>lesson/teaching ideas/materials database, cooperative intra-level 
>Yes (please list some)
>5.  Does your first and second year program employ:

only regular faculty
regular and adjunct faculty
regular faculty and TAs
regular faculty, adjuncts and TAs

6. Does your first and second year program use CALL to offer:

variable learning venues (for individual learning styles)
variable scheduling in lab sessions
off campus learning
coordination/ease of lessons/materials sharing among instructors
reduction of contact hours for faculty

Kathryn Murphy-Judy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of French
Department of Foreign Languages
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23284-2021