FMPRO-L Archives

January 2011, Week 4


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Peter Payne <[log in to unmask]>
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FileMaker Pro Discussions <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 27 Jan 2011 11:19:10 +0900
text/plain (8 lines)
My own thoughts:

a) sorry but I've been using FMPRO since 1995, I can't upgrade to a version that requires my side bar be moved to the top for no reason other than "but Microsoft Office has the bar at the top!" If they give me the option of either layout, I'll likely upgrade.

b) when, oh when, will Filemaker give is web browser like browsing? Why can't there be a "back" button to take me back to the last view situation I was in, just as we do with a web browser?

c) any upgrade better have a reworked spell checker. I carry Japanese products so my spell checker needs to support many added words. As of FM 9, the 1989-era spell checker gets "full" at around 5000 words and no new words can be added. This is so unacceptable I can't tell you. (Haven't checked if FM10 or 11 improve on this)